The first confrontation of The Cold War
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr.Stalwart leaders and stout-hearted soldiers
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr.The West Berliners were going to be starved out
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, JrNobody has that many planes anymore
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr.Someday we'll have enough food. But if we lose our freedom we'll never get it back
Gail HalvorsenThe Soviets desperately wanted us out of Berlin
Aldon FergusonYour parachutes are frightening the chickens!
Mercedes SimonI could talk to people from all walks of life. Even criminals.
Derek SmithIt was an air controller's nightmare
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr.My first instinct was to cry
Sgt Georgie SmithIt would have been suicide to stay and fight
Fg Off Henry Michael FerriesThe journey ended in a cucumber frame
Flt Lt John Simpson