• They were seen as childhood heroes.

  • Even though I did camp it up a bit, I did it in way that people found funny.

  • “Gentlemen", he said, "I was about to say Welcome to Jerusalem, but they've done it for me."

  • I felt like we needed someone who represented normal gays.

  • He spits, reigns in his camel and heads off across the minefield.

  • It’s a family away from family. That’s a magical thing.

  • You need to know that these people were there to look after you and protect you. And when you’re dealing with fire or other incidents, you need that.

  • We had to replace Noel Edmonds windscreen after a cricket incident.

  • It summed up how much we’ve moved forward with equality, with diversity and with inclusion.

  • People with Aspergers like organisation, they like structure.

  • Even though 60, 100 years go by, some things stay the same.

  • A lot of people are scared to get a diagnosis for their kid because they see it as a label and a barrier.