We went up to the Isle of Anglesey,
flung island off the coast of Wales, and
very shortly after our
arrival or my arrival
as a newly married wife,
they were looking for
a Red Arrow recruit or even recruits.
Well, of course, somebody put up two
arms, two legs and down
and joined the team.
I say I joined the team.
All I had to do was
introduce myself to eight other pilots
and at one of our socializing events,
a bonding event with the whole team, I was
heard to explain
my love and excitement
So one of the chaps that happened to be
in the simulator unit,
and he said, Well,
Well, of course I would.
So I had to go
and getting used to the way it moved as
one tilted this
or that lever or
rotated a knob and
just used a fair amount of imagination
in order to give
which is this effect of flying
but coming out of that road
the right way up.
After about six sessions,
I really knew
I knew what I was doing
And another feature they asked of me
was that
I should stand on the datum point,
which is where the air show was centered
and give crowd feedback.
So when they put their smoke
if they did it too early,
and people,
perhaps delay it a little and
extras like that helped them
produce the wow factor for the crowd
blotting it out