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Bomber Mission

  • John Butcher
  • Interview by: Jess Boydon


When people talk to me about who my childhood hero was,

I would say it was my grandfather.

He inspired me through talking to me about his experiences.

One particular raid was they were over the target,

and they had a bomb go through one of their wings.

Thankfully it didn't detonate,

but it did kill one of the engines.

They didn't think they were going to make it,

and he did order his crew to bail out at one point.

Told them very sternly, everyone get out.

This isn't going to work, and there was just silence.

I think for me that captures I guess

the absolute trust and unity

that he and his crew had together,

that regardless of what was gonna happen that night,

they were gonna go through it together.

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