In one way or another, servicemen & servicewomen often find themselves in situations that require courage, whether this be to undertake a dangerous mission, to overcome a challenge or to deal with fear, personal struggles or loss. This collection of stories explores the many ways in which courage is shown in the day to day life of RAF personnel.
Stories from across the globe
Exposed to the greatest danger, he refused to back down.
Mark Johnson -
I can still see his face as if it was yesterday.
Carl Austin-Behan -
There were death threats. But I'm still here.
Flt. Lt. Gareth Davies -
I won't let my autism be a disadvantage.
Daniel Pearce -
He held fire while the German crew bailed out.
Mark Johnson -
Get up and put your trousers on.
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
I admitted I was gay. They could have sent me to prison.
Carl Austin-Behan -
Mum's parachute didn't open. She never jumped again.
Candida Adkins -
I saw a sport that was failing.
Flt. Lt. Gareth Davies -
I was just relieved I could open my eyes.
Stuart Robinson