• Space debris is not far off becoming untenable

    Air Marshal Harvey Smyth
  • We got the call to make 19 special Lancasters

  • I need 30 of these by tomorrow

    Martin Clegg
  • A handshake and a pat on the back

  • We train for it all the time, but you never think it's going to happen

  • You could just sense the occasion

  • Pride and pressure

  • The chief headhunter wanted us to join his tribe

    Peter Keane
  • Challenges you wouldn't have in a normal aeroplane

    Mathew Stannard
  • Our hearts go out to the men who didn't make it

  • You'd be flying four or five feet away from the plane next to you

    Douglas McGregor
  • Pilots used their trips to Germany to stock up on duty free

    Steve Bond