Stories from across the globe
They took my gun and both my watches, but they didn't find the gold.
Robbie Stewart -
I was stubborn: I had to prove I could do it.
Michelle Partington -
There were death threats. But I'm still here.
Flt. Lt. Gareth Davies -
Our planes were very vulnerable on the ground
Ronald Davis -
If my mother supports me, forget what anyone else thinks.
Joan Ochuodho -
I was afraid that someone would have to lay down their life to protect me.
Eleanor Rance -
That turned out to be my last trip
Roy Finch -
The one plane you wanted to be on was the Belfast
Sean Maffett -
We just don't know how you're not dead
John Peters -
The light blue turban got dirty very easily
Balbir Flora -
After three weeks I could see the difference being in the RAF had made
Emma Knutzen -
Tug of war is the hardest thing I've done
Cpl Chris Elliot