Stories from across the globe
If you failed the kit inspection, it would be thrown out of the window
Jonathon Percival -
I am competitive. But that's not something I'm ashamed of.
Cadet Holden, A. -
It was my choice. I decided to lose the right leg.
Stuart Robinson -
They're running around with guns, but they are 17 years old.
Alice McDermott -
Why did you join the RAF ?
We had more pilots than planes.
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
Father was the sole survivor. Twice
Ian Powell -
My Father and his co-pilot were both killed
Ian Tunstall -
The whole mission was a catalogue of disasters
Neil Sinfield -
The great, waxed moustache bristled
Rob Davis -
He served 1939-45, two tours, DFM from the King. An amazing man
Bryan Craven -
There's nothing white that drips out of engines
Norman Hancock