I was stubborn: I had to prove I could do it.
Michelle PartingtonThere were death threats. But I'm still here.
Flt. Lt. Gareth DaviesOur planes were very vulnerable on the ground
Ronald DavisIf my mother supports me, forget what anyone else thinks.
Joan OchuodhoI was afraid that someone would have to lay down their life to protect me.
Eleanor RanceThat turned out to be my last trip
Roy FinchThe one plane you wanted to be on was the Belfast
Sean MaffettWe just don't know how you're not dead
John PetersThe light blue turban got dirty very easily
Balbir FloraAfter three weeks I could see the difference being in the RAF had made
Emma KnutzenTug of war is the hardest thing I've done
Cpl Chris ElliotMy brother used to electrocute me.