• There was a certain amount of tampering with the rules

    Ian Thomas
  • With every deployment, the threat level was getting higher

    Stuart Robinson
  • Ladies don't sit at sherry evenings.

    Christine Ankerson
  • I was thinking that if I got shot it didn't matter.

    Michelle Partington
  • People always ask me if the RAF is racist

    Balbir Flora
  • I had a pole with a bayonet stuck on top.

    Henry Madgwick
  • I left school with one GCSE. Now I've got letters after my name.

    Michelle Partington
  • Nobody takes Flying Officers seriously.

    Joan Ochuodho
  • Whatever happened they would go through it together.

    John Butcher
  • I've been honoured by The Queen twice

    Balbir Flora
  • I used to be really shy.

    Hannah Walker
  • My grandfather sat on the knee of people who had been slaves.

    Mark Johnson