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Flying Officer


My time at Handler was pretty quiet.

It was a little bit daunting

having finished my previous tour,

take away the training as an SAC

or a senior air craftsman

to then come back as a flying officer

because I had a flight sergeant and a corporal

and a couple of civilians under my management

and it felt a bit daunting

because one minute I was on the other side

and the flight sergeant was way above me

and suddenly I was supposed to be managing

this flight sergeant,

so you almost sometimes come in

and question yourself

'cause those are people who carry a lot of experience.

Senior NCOs bring a lot to the table

and for you to have credibility as a junior officer,

you need to be able to hold your own

and I think flying officer is the worst rank

because nobody takes you seriously.

Everyone thinks they've just come out of training,

they don't really know what they're doing

but actually for you as a person,

you're fighting so hard for people

to take you seriously.

I didn't really have that issue

'cause I had a really good relationship with the guys

I work with but yeah, it was quite daunting actually

my first commission tour.

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