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Stories from across the globe
After my first flight I was buzzing for days
Fiona Knight -
For a long time I called myself a failure
Rachel Williamson -
I felt helpless
Paul Twitchell -
The Iraqis were firing Scuds over our heads
Paul Twitchell -
There was an instant sense of comraderie
Paul Twitchell -
I hadn't even had my ears pierced
Rachel Williamson -
Believing in myself was the biggest hurdle
Rachel Williamson -
Deciding what to wear each day is harder than you think
Rachel Williamson -
Don't steer, just think.
Jackie Moggridge -
I want to show respect for the generation that fought in the war
Phillip Langham -
With every deployment, the threat level was getting higher
Stuart Robinson -
People always ask me if the RAF is racist
Balbir Flora