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Coming Out


I, it's a huge weight off my shoulders.

One, because it confirmed to me that the Air Force

is an accepting place to work.

And offer support for people who have had that kind

of experience where they felt sort of closed in

for a long time.

And it was always my fear that I would just sort of

be alienated completely.

Lose friends and all that.

But actually when I did come out at work

the person I first spoke to was my line manager

who wasn't your typical pink and fluffy looking chief tech.

But I, I had, I was confident enough to tell him

because I trusted his ear and his judgment as well.

And he sign posted me to other people who'd

been through similar experiences and we all had a chat.

And then gave me that sort of courage

and that encouragement to be yourself at work.

And you'll notice then that everything will change for you.

Even though nothing practically,

you'll still be doing the same job,

but the way you feel about going to work

with a smile and a spring in your step,

you know it changes massively

and my mental health you know increased vastly.

Instead of using all that capacity to worry about

what people are gonna think about me, (mumbling),

I already know what everyone thinks

and that is that they just don't,

they want me to get on with my job.

You know and anybody's who's got any negative feeling

about it, that's just their problem.

It ain't mine.

You know, but fortunately for me I've not,

I've not encountered any nastiness really.

It's been a very very safe and welcome place to work.

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