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Coming out was a massive weight off my mind
Cpl Owain Bridge -
We got it wrong last time, we won't get it wrong this time.
You couldn’t be proud of him, he couldn’t be proud of you.
They had no right to question a civilian in that way, but they got away with it.
Every career that the military offers, has a civilian alternative that is desperate for those skills.
Sir, there will be no trouble, because my son is gay.
Lord Etherton actually gave the pin to me so I was able to thank him for his work.
Because we had the police training, we knew all about police interviews and what they do and the process.
I knew there was a significant risk that if it turned up in the wrong place for the wrong person, that could be it.
Millions of pounds has been spent on my training at that point and all of that was going to get thrown away because of something that was entirely legal in the civilian world.
It really threw me out because it was completely unexpected.
They put a lot of time and effort into training them and then put an equal amount of time and money into identifying them as homosexual and kicking them out.