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LGBT in the RAF


There's many gay service men and women

serving in the military, across the board,

and their sexuality has no impact whatsoever

on how they do their job.

That's the same with other diverse groups as well,

such as gender, being female,

or the BAME, the British Asian minority ethnic groups.

Those things that make us a little bit more diverse,

because it's a minority, have no impact

on the way we do our job in the military,

it just makes us who we are in the military.

I have many friends in the military

who are gay, lesbian, LGBT,

identifying with either of those.

I'm very fortunate that most of them, that I know of,

have never had any major issues

being in the military, with their sexuality

or the way that they identify themselves.

That's not saying that I'm sure

there aren't issues that happen,

but we have good, solid leadership networks in place

to deal with them, and good chain of commands

to deal with any issues that arise, should they arise.

We have diversity and inclusion advisors, for instance,

who are there for that purpose,

to brief people and make sure that everyone is

aware of current policy, and to remind us all

that we should be very inclusive in the military.

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