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There was a tug on the Deputy Chief of Airstaff's jacket, and this little kid said, "Sir, this is brilliant".
To this day, absolutely delighted, honored, pleased, privileged. All those cliched words that that I had the chance to do it.
I was a squadron boss for two years at a time when my guys were doing about the toughest job that an aircraft has been asked to do.
Nobody takes Flying Officers seriously.
Joan Ochuodho -
The safety of the casualty comes last.
Ayla Holdom -
It was a chance for me to roll up my sleeves and get involved with the aircraft
Sqn Ldr Catherine Lawson -
Achtung Spitfire
Sandy Johnstone -
By Cattle Truck from Poland to Blackpool 1940-46
Dan's raf life
You could just sense the occasion
He was bung full of his own importance
I've done some amazing things with the Air Cadets
Phillip Langham