Stories from across the globe
I hadn't even had my ears pierced
Rachel Williamson -
We had to strip to our knickers
Lily Jepson -
People stopped swearing. It made no sense at all.
Ayla Holdom -
There was a certain amount of tampering with the rules
Ian Thomas -
Ladies don't sit at sherry evenings.
Christine Ankerson -
Nobody takes Flying Officers seriously.
Joan Ochuodho -
The RAF? What's that?
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
It was a giant, cheesy photo jigsaw.
Emily Flyn -
He arrived without his legs
Ben Dixon -
I arrived in Germany wearing my pyjamas
Roy Finch -
I became a bolshie wife.
Christine Ankerson -
The Dengineers built me a WWII plane themed den
Phillip Langham