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We had navy blue knickers that came down to your knees.
It's put me off UHT milk for life.
The thought of being done for speeding while on a MERT shout caused a little bit of interesting language in the car.
Sometimes the banter gets a little bit too pointed, a little bit too serious and unfunny.
We were forbidden to fly over there, but we did.
I knew nothing about it at all. Mind you, I had drunk quite a lot that night.
There was a certain amount of tampering with the rules
Ian Thomas -
Ladies don't sit at sherry evenings.
Christine Ankerson -
Nobody takes Flying Officers seriously.
Joan Ochuodho -
The RAF? What's that?
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
It was a giant, cheesy photo jigsaw.
Emily Flyn -
He arrived without his legs
Ben Dixon