Stories from across the globe
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Alice McDermott -
I realised something was wrong. The engine had cut out
Roy Finch -
At the time we knew it was a privilege to work on the TSR-2.
Dave Chambers -
I thought this would be a really stupid way to die.
David Waddington -
The BBMF is a flying museum.
Air Cdre Paul Godfrey -
The family called him "Fatty"
Douglas Wilks -
a whir and a bang and nothing else
Ian Lucas -
the aircraft appeared to be totally on fire
Ian Lucas -
It wasn’t that they were bombing people they were bombing places.
Charlotte Barratt -
It was an air controller's nightmare
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr. -
It would have been suicide to stay and fight
Fg Off Henry Michael Ferries -
Dan's raf life