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What was my purpose? Why was I here?
Alice McDermott -
With every deployment, the threat level was getting higher
Stuart Robinson -
I was thinking that if I got shot it didn't matter.
Michelle Partington -
Art isn't about them and us. It's just about us.
Sara Waymont -
Everyone wanted to work with Mr. Taff
Flt. Lt. Gareth Davies -
These are the guys that make it work.
Sara Waymont -
I needed them to start making decisions for themselves.
Flt. Lt. Gareth Davies -
We were unlucky. We hit an improvised explosive device.
Stuart Robinson -
I was just relieved I could open my eyes.
Stuart Robinson -
It's the pin-up girls that keep people going.
Sara Waymont -
The troops on the ground are very brave guys
Andy Edgell -
When we put that ramp down it makes a difference
Liz McConaghy