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Its where I felt my skills could most benefit the Royal Airforce.
Having been awarded something from royalty just blows me away. It’s just so crazy.
With diversity in the RAF, it’s having different individuals looking at the same problem.
There need to be more individuals who are able to champion and be ambassadors for neurodiversity.
The RAF were the first to change it’s stance to a case by case basis so if you could prove that you were capable, they’d give you a chance.
I hadn't even had my ears pierced
Rachel Williamson -
Believing in myself was the biggest hurdle
Rachel Williamson -
It’s a family away from family. That’s a magical thing.
A lot of people are scared to get a diagnosis for their kid because they see it as a label and a barrier.
There are a lot of different environments that suit different people.
I’m very good at seeing patterns.
Whenever you’re deployed to any operational field, logistics is always the first one there.