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We do our best at the very edge of our limits.
David Waddington -
I left school with one GCSE. Now I've got letters after my name.
Michelle Partington -
The Ops Room
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
There's an element of madness required to be a fighter pilot.
Dheeraj Bhasin -
It's not just about being a shouty, angry person
Cpl Chris Elliot -
I heard people screaming and wondered if I was next.
Sqdn. Ldr. Bob Ankerson -
We'd never eaten baked beans.
Peter Ramrayka -
I was paid 2p per day less than my male colleagues
Julie Brierley -
I'm going to call you Hopscotch.
Flt Lt Joan Ochuodho -
Bridgnorth was cold in the 60s.
Peter Ramrayka -
The smoke is made from cat hair
Barry Love -
Even Hitler stopped for Christmas
Martin Lang