There was a team that was working
directly in support of NHS Scotland.
My team was working in support of
the Scottish Government resilience room.
It was a wholly military team
led by Colonel Will Lynch, who was a reservist,
in fact most of the team were reservists,
there were only three or four regular personnel,
including myself.
All three services, quite a lot of Navy,
because the Navy in Scotland,
or rather the Royal Naval Reserve in Scotland,
had made a positive decision
that they were going to push as much support
into the MACA task as they could when it became apparent
that it going to be an important thing to be part of.
So my colleagues were mostly reservists,
we were all thrown in together,
we all kind of arrived at St. Andrew's House
without really much of an idea
what we would be doing
other than we were there to provide planning support.