Stories from across the globe
You never train for the war you fight
John Peters -
We do our best at the very edge of our limits.
David Waddington -
You live in fear of the black car.
Christine Ankerson -
These things are difficult, but one soldiers on.
Graham Grice -
I just thought how dare they.
Christine Ankerson -
I thought this would be a really stupid way to die.
David Waddington -
I heard people screaming and wondered if I was next.
Sqdn. Ldr. Bob Ankerson -
John ate the map
John Peters -
I told my wife I was alive, well and free.
Sqdn. Ldr. Bob Ankerson -
The guards wanted us to smell nice.
Bob Ankerson -
Every night we could hear the bombing
Sqdn. Ldr. Bob Ankerson -
They put us on TV to create division in the political will to fight
John Peters -
I spent most of my time in captivity in solitary confinement.
Sqdn. Ldr. Bob Ankerson -
I found myself hanging under a parachute for the first time in my life.
Bob Ankerson -
All of a sudden you're just two bodies lost in the desert
John Peters -
I spent seven weeks getting the shit kicked out of me
John Peters -
We knew we weren't going home.
Bob Ankerson -
They beat us with their pistol butts
John Peters -
Once you see the missile you have 3.5 seconds until impact.
David Waddington -
The Red Cross put themselves in great danger, with only a badge for protection.
Sqdn. Ldr. Bob Ankerson -
They took my gun and both my watches, but they didn't find the gold.
Robbie Stewart -
We just don't know how you're not dead
John Peters -
Unless I tell him something I'm going to die.
Robbie Stewart -
We were trying to give ourselves up, but they kept shooting at us
John Peters