If you had brown skin, you had to polish your boots a bit harder.
Peter RamraykaWearing my country's shirt was quite special.
Flt. Lt. Gareth DaviesIf he hadn't got the engine started, we'd all have died.
Trevor MorrisI can't quite remember what it felt like to be released.
Bob AnkersonI'm a more confident person, in the best possible way.
Cadet Holden, ATurns out his father had rescued my father 50 years ago.
Graham WithersThe first jet bombers were coming in.
Trevor MorrisAs soon as we got off the ground I felt elated.
Air Cdre Paul GodfreyExposed to the greatest danger, he refused to back down.
Mark JohnsonWe attached candles to hydrogen balloons.
Stan HolmesMy father threw his medals into the Thames
Minnie DriverThey didn't realize I'd been flying the aircraft.
Julie Gibson