• You forget how kind people can be

    Emma Knutzen
  • This is something I want to be part of.

    Hannah Walker
  • I found myself hanging under a parachute for the first time in my life.

    Bob Ankerson
  • I'd just bombed them. Didn't think they'd be too pleased to see me.

    Robert Iveson
  • PTSD wasn't a recognised term in 1939

    Minnie Driver
  • The RAF Association helped enormously

    Jenny Newman
  • A bomb bay fire meant the plane was about to explode

    Caroline Paige
  • Mum watched the Battle of Britain as dots on a screen.

    Candida Adkins
  • All of a sudden you're just two bodies lost in the desert

    John Peters
  • The most daring prank of World War II.

    Phillip Dawson
  • I have to help people see the wider picture

    Balbir Flora
  • He was an awful pilot. He couldn't land for toffee.

    Trevor Morris