You forget how kind people can be
Emma KnutzenThis is something I want to be part of.
Hannah WalkerI found myself hanging under a parachute for the first time in my life.
Bob AnkersonI'd just bombed them. Didn't think they'd be too pleased to see me.
Robert IvesonPTSD wasn't a recognised term in 1939
Minnie DriverThe RAF Association helped enormously
Jenny NewmanA bomb bay fire meant the plane was about to explode
Caroline PaigeMum watched the Battle of Britain as dots on a screen.
Candida AdkinsAll of a sudden you're just two bodies lost in the desert
John PetersThe most daring prank of World War II.
Phillip DawsonI have to help people see the wider picture
Balbir FloraHe was an awful pilot. He couldn't land for toffee.
Trevor Morris