"I won't fight against another Muslim or kill a Muslim."
Or, "I won't fight against India."
Or you know, things like that.
What I try and explain to them
is that the air force has a role
and that is to protect itself, Great Britain,
and then the British interests, that's our primary role.
And then our secondary role is then
to then also provide humanitarian aid
in the support of the countries
which are linked to Britain and various organizations
such as NATO or the Commonwealth and things like that,
we always end up supporting those.
And the answer to those youngsters would then be
is that obviously they have got to come to terms with that,
that they don't want to kill another Indian or Muslim
or whatever and that's their thing,
but at the end of it they are British.
They might have roots in the other country,
but they are British, they actually joined to serve
they've gotta look at the bigger picture
that they are here to actually do good
and provide humanitarian aid and things like that.
When you actually explain how many things
that are going on around the world
where we're providing food aid or support
or helping build, rebuild a country and things like that,
they actually don't realize because obviously
the news is always about this operation killing this members
of the Muslim community, ISIS or whatever.
So their views are sort of quite sort of narrow at the time,
but you need to sort of broaden their horizons
to say look at the wider picture of what's going on
around the world and what other stuff we're doing
which is actually good.
And then some of them sort of still have
that decision to make,
but it's their own decision they have
to sort of come to terms
with whether they want to join or not.