• I needed them to start making decisions for themselves.

    Flt. Lt. Gareth Davies
  • They were heroic women.

    Katherine Du Plat-Taylor
  • Trump is wrong.

    Ayla Holdom
  • We lost twelve Whitleys but they were replaced the next day

    Ian Brownlee
  • I could hear the crowd cheering even above the noise of four Merlin engines

    Air Cdre Paul Godfrey
  • I was paid 2p per day less than my male colleagues

    Julie Brierley
  • I wanted to look after people.

    Michelle Partington
  • I could strip a gun and rebuild it, but I never got to fire it

    Roy Finch
  • They found the diet of spam and potatoes quite difficult.

    Mark Johnson
  • I read every Biggles book in the library.

    Stan Holmes
  • The new boss was the world ballooning champion.

    Graham Grice
  • I've sometimes marched off in the wrong direction.

    Cadet Holden, A