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Stories from across the globe
I admitted I was gay. They could have sent me to prison.
Carl Austin-Behan -
In the 1960s, racism was seen as par for the course.
Mark Johnson -
I spent seven weeks getting the shit kicked out of me
John Peters -
I saw a job advert in Cosmopolitan
Suzanne Flynn -
You still get bullies
Caroline Paige -
If I didn't answer they would beat me.
Sqdn. Ldr. Bob Ankerson -
You've got five minutes to get off the aircraft.
Julie Gibson -
The thease
By Cattle Truck from Poland to Blackpool 1940-46
The armchair generals were all phoning us
Kurt Schulze -
They said you can be a nurse or a teacher.
Suzanne Flynn -
I was thinking that if I got shot it didn't matter.
Michelle Partington