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Father was pulled from a burning plane
Peter Woods -
In my mind I could hear my Nan telling me what I should do.
Lauren Smith -
You'd wait to hear about the boy you'd been dancing with.
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
we didn't see him again. We were, what, three, four and five...
Jenny Newman and Jackie Eckles -
Nobody really knows what happened
Sean Maffett -
The engine was on fire as it made its final approach
David Cunningham -
It wasn’t that they were bombing people they were bombing places.
Charlotte Barratt -
Air Accident from the pov of a radar technician
I'm out of ammunition. I'll see you in Valhalla!
Heinrich Ehrler -
They fought for a cause they believed passionately in, and they died for it
50 Allied airmen, from 12 nations, murdered in cold blood by the Gestapo
When we lose someone we journey through it as a family.
Alice McDermott