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I think one of things I often think about my Uncle Gerard

is that he was 24 years old when this happened,

which was actually on the old side

for quite a lot of Battle of Britain pilots,

but he was still a young man.

He, like many young men, I'm sure, thought he was immortal.

And they went off thinking, you know,

that they could live forever.

But, it is quite clear that, you know,

he was one of those common unconsidered men

who, for a moment of eternity,

held the whole future of mankind in his two sweating palms.

Did not let it go.

On a slightly lighter note,

there was a lovely story after the battle,

which said that

never was so much owed by so many to so few

actually referred to their bar bills.

And I know that my Uncle Gerard and my father, too,

would have really appreciated that thought.

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