before CI One, she had seen something somewhere
on the internet.
Some RAF guy won some title.
So she basically emailed me,
and I got back to her.
She wrote an article.
Printed it in the RAF News.
And for the following three years, she continued
to write those articles because I won those years.
And then her boss decided,
this year we're celebrating 100 years
of the existence of the RAF.
It would be fitting to have a song.
(upbeat calypso music)
So, I decided to write.
I'm gonna write a song.
And what I wanted to incorporate
in there was,
I didn't want to involve too much things about war,
because I don't want people to think
the RAF is only about fighting wars.
So, I wanted to give them a bit of history,
and then I also wanted to talk
about, again like I say I don't want
to be focused on any wars too much,
but highlight the fact
that the RAF, we give aid
to you know, whenever countries are in need.
So, we saw what happened last year in Indonesia.
The year before that in the Caribbean
when they had the hurricane devastation.
The RAF responded with you know, urgency
to get out there and support these people
in whatever way we can.
So I wanted to show right,
over the hundred years of our existence, this is
what we're about.
We started here, we've done this,
we've changed this.
this is what we are all about.
(upbeat music continues)