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High Test Peroxide


The only bit of advice we got was don't

the blue steel missile

because it used this


high test peroxide similar to

that used to melt the pilot

Well, this was the same fuel, much

And in the summer,

And so you had to keep away from

you never walk directly under the missile

Because if this fuel got on you, it

It would just combust.

And next to each pan

was a big, big fiberglass

And if any HTP got on you, you were supposed

to go and jump in the plunge baths

So basically,

That was it.

Basically, don't walk under the missile

What you could also do in

with your back on the plunge baths.

And of course, it'd be nice and warm

That a bit heated for,

If if the likelihood of HTP

venting in the winter was

because it didn't overheat,

warm all the time. Yes, that was.

That was another place you could sit with

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