The tactical suppliers, they,
you acquire, you know quite a lot skills
the supply arena, more of a chemistry sort
With the fuel
after that fuel from the minute
to the minute issued off to the,
in perfect condition
when it
and with the
the anti icing inhibitors inside it,
that we've mixed inside it from something
It's a very fine art.
The fuel has to be tested every couple of
Tested for water.
Condensation forms in the tank,
it's an art form looking after fuel
And the other thing
they became masters
while the rotos are turning.
Chinook, very high rotor base.
You can walk in, right?
Although still you see the guys
But then you've got things like,
gazelles, the old days.
Lynx, which is the rotor blades,
You get the feeling
You look up and you go, oh, now
Very rarely refueled
you cannot stand under that aircraft,
that helicopter and hold you head up high
because you have a hell of a haircut.