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Art at Bastion


The ones at Bastion actually

So we're on the Jag we

the blast walls there are

And a lot of pieces that

to that tradition of nose cone art.

That unit cohesion and

that, you know, a particular squadron

or a particular unit has been in theater.

And you have all sorts of,

that they've brought in

As well as things that probably shouldn't

be on there, like kill tallies

that, you know, for them

it's all about morale building, isn't it?

It's about, you know, this

while we're out here, this what we've seen

while we're out here and

This is our place in history.

As soon as I arrived there

to see all the art that's out on the pans.

There's like a whole

every different squadron who's been there.

All the blast walls are all decorated

and there's like sculptures all over

the place where people have

So, that to me was like,

before anything else as well.

He's like, yeah but you

It can wait, we're gonna

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