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Stories from across the globe
I was thinking that if I got shot it didn't matter.
Michelle Partington -
I left school with one GCSE. Now I've got letters after my name.
Michelle Partington -
55,000 souls on board
Air Cdre Paul Godfrey -
The missions they fly, the places they can land...It’s phenomenal.
Sara Waymont -
He wasn't a prince. He was part of the team.
Ayla Holdom -
They weren't to know this little old lady had broken the sound barrier.
Candida Adkins -
Art isn't about them and us. It's just about us.
Sara Waymont -
Being part of the RAF Family is the best feeling in the world
Ian Sweet -
I couldn't contain myself. I had to go and hide.
Alice McDermott -
These are the guys that make it work.
Sara Waymont -
The BBMF is a flying museum.
Air Cdre Paul Godfrey -
I wanted to look after people.
Michelle Partington