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The Tiger Cub

  • Michael Bailey
  • Interview by: Jess Boydon


And when I was doing a job, I ran out of light actually,

so I said I'd just stay the night.

And they said, "Okay, that's fine."

They said, "Well, you'll have to sleep with the tiger."

And, that was it, there was a little tiger,

had it's own bat in a mat in a corner of the room,

and they said, "Don't worry if it joins you

during the night."

And, sure enough, it came along and flop on the bed like

a large dog, and it cuddled up, you know?

And, I didn't bother, I thought, "Oh bloody tiger."

I just went to sleep, it was gone in the morning,

it was back in it's box.

Oh, yeah, you feel safe.

It was just cuddly.

Like a big Alsatian, it was very young.

The only thing, it was, it had a nasty habit,

if you held it too close to you,

it used to go poo on you.

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