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He was an awful pilot. He couldn't land for toffee.
Trevor Morris -
One third of the men on the Empire Windrush were RAF crew.
Mark Johnson -
The plan was to fill the plane with booze
Trevor Morris -
Alec Guinness wanted us to be extras but our CO didn't want it
Kenny Napier -
Why did you join the RAF ?
There's nothing white that drips out of engines
Norman Hancock -
I could barely walk, let alone fight
Peter Keane -
I'll remember his name til the day I die
Peter Keane -
We dive-bombed them!
David Cottle -
She was wearing an old red coat and green wellies
Peter Pilkington -
Excuse me sir, what do think you’re doing?
Graham Aldred -
We weren't allowed to go near the WAAFs
Derek Smith