The simplicity and flexibility inherent in the Harrier was an essential element of the RAF’s operations during the Falklands War. RAF Harriers were deployed to the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Hermes, as part of the Task Force sent to recapture the Falklands Islands. The Harrier GR3 performed attack sorties from the aircraft carrier, and later from basic landing strips on the islands, often in conditions that would have grounded conventional aircraft.

Stories from across the globe
The GR3 made a significant contribution to victory
Dr Peter Johnston -
I'd just bombed them. Didn't think they'd be too pleased to see me.
Robert Iveson -
There are still cluster bombs lying around to the west of Stanley
Ross Boyens -
It was hard to hit a target accurately
Mike Beech -
Someone had been shot down the day before we arrived
Mike Beech -
You needed to build the confidence that you would survive
Murdo MacLeod -
The higher I climbed, the more the windscreen started to break up
Murdo Macleod