The Queens Air Bearer Party

The King’s Colour Squadron is the RAF’s dedicated ceremonial unit, responsible for representing the RAF at both state and national ceremonial occasions, and providing Guards of Honour for the Royal Family, Heads of State, dignitaries and other VIPs. On the demise of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022 the Squadron became the custodians of the King’s Colour and was renamed the King’s Colour Squadron on 27 October 2022.


Formed exclusively by the Officers and Gunners of the RAF Regiment, the King’s Colour Squadron holds a dual role capability as a regular field squadron under 63 Squadron RAF Regiment with personnel deployed actively on Operations throughout Europe and the Middle East. The Squadron provided the Bearer Party and Guard of Honour when an RAF C-17 transport aircraft delivered Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin to RAF Northolt at London from Scotland.

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