• There need to be more individuals who are able to champion and be ambassadors for neurodiversity.

  • The RAF were the first to change it’s stance to a case by case basis so if you could prove that you were capable, they’d give you a chance.

  • You never train for the war you fight

    John Peters
  • We keep things simple in the air.

    Dheeraj Bhasin
  • We do our best at the very edge of our limits.

    David Waddington
  • I was nineteen, streetwise but very unsophisticated

    Ronald Davis
  • I realised something was wrong. The engine had cut out

    Roy Finch
  • There was a certain amount of tampering with the rules

    Ian Thomas
  • With every deployment, the threat level was getting higher

    Stuart Robinson
  • Ladies don't sit at sherry evenings.

    Christine Ankerson
  • I was thinking that if I got shot it didn't matter.

    Michelle Partington
  • People always ask me if the RAF is racist

    Balbir Flora