Stories from across the globe
Mum and Dad fell in love on the roof of the Air Ministry
Gill Robinson -
There was an instant sense of comraderie
Paul Twitchell -
I became a bolshie wife.
Christine Ankerson -
We were so busy surviving ... we didn't talk of the medal.
Jenny Newman -
This is John Hannah speaking and that is to me quite something
Jackie Eckles -
I could hear the crowd cheering even above the noise of four Merlin engines
Air Cdre Paul Godfrey -
I told my wife I was alive, well and free.
Sqdn. Ldr. Bob Ankerson -
You'd wait to hear about the boy you'd been dancing with.
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
Wearing my country's shirt was quite special.
Flt. Lt. Gareth Davies -
The RAF has always been part of our lives
Jackie Eckles -
Someday we'll have enough food. But if we lose our freedom we'll never get it back
Gail Halvorsen -
My mother always hoped that I'd be able to thank you one day
Vera Mitchrich