Stories from across the globe
The safety of the casualty comes last.
Ayla Holdom -
My 21st birthday present was to still be alive
Roy Finch -
Don't steer, just think.
Jackie Moggridge -
You've got sixty tons of aircraft at your fingertips.
Alice McDermott -
I realised something was wrong. The engine had cut out
Roy Finch -
55,000 souls on board
Air Cdre Paul Godfrey -
The missions they fly, the places they can land...It’s phenomenal.
Sara Waymont -
We stood by the rear door, scared to death.
Trevor Morris -
I couldn't contain myself. I had to go and hide.
Alice McDermott -
The Tornado has written its own narrative
John Peters -
He never expected to see a picture of the man he had served with
Blabir Singh -
The thing you fear most is screwing up
Al Byford