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Civvy Street


I think the thing that hit me straightaway was

I didn't have a uniform to wear every day.

'Cause for 10 and a half years that I served

I wore the same blue tops, I wore the same gray trousers,

the same berets, the same number one hats.

And to actually decide what I wear every day

is a lot harder than you realize.

And I think from

being in that sort of,

having that routine that's taken away from you,

it's really tough.

You can easily sit on a sofa and watch TV all day.

You can easily,

yeah, 'cause you haven't got to do a bleep test again,

a fitness test.

You're kinda happy in a way about that

'cause they're not very nice.


I need to keep up with some fitness.

I was putting on weight, I was getting miserable,

and it was just a way, yeah,

the hardest thing to adapt is just

getting into a normal living routine.

Just learning to fill the day up with something.

You haven't got that, well at the time I didn't have a job.

So I couldn't actually,

I think I was just going to cafes all the time.

My plan was coffee and cake almost every day.

I suppose, yeah, my mum's at fault a little bit for that,

but she wanted to keep me busy.

I had to get out of the house,

and that was the main reason I had to get up every day.

I made sure I had to get up for a reason,

to travel somewhere, to see your family,

to go and meet at a friend's

that I haven't spoken to in a long time.

And yeah, you just have to go for it.

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