Stories from across the globe
It was a huge tragedy for the family
Alison Kilby -
I felt ashamed that I'd left my friends in Iraq
Paul Twitchell -
I needed closure
Rachel Williamson -
My experiences in Iraq had become a constant, invasive thought
Paul Twitchell -
When we lose someone we journey through it as a family.
Alice McDermott -
Mother lost her husband, her brothers and all her male cousins.
Katherine Du Plat-Taylor -
I spent most of my time in captivity in solitary confinement.
Sqdn. Ldr. Bob Ankerson -
Four Lancasters went down that night, and only our crew survived
Steven Bacon -
PTSD wasn't a recognised term in 1939
Minnie Driver -
I've seen things I would never would never want my daughter to see
Ian Sweet -
We didn't see him again. We were, what, 3,4 and 5.
Jenny Newman and Jackie Eckles -
No amount of training can prepare you for the reality of blast wounds.
Michelle Partington