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Bottom of the Pile



So I think

they were doing a huge recruitment

I think to fulfill kind of security,

mainly on sites.

so there was a big,

a big police squadron,

I was the first, WRAF Yeah, on my flight.


It didn't go as well as I'd hoped. So,

the senior

noncommissioned officer

he did a speech to the to the flight,

not really to welcome me,

but to kind of say that, you know,

This was the last flight that was,

there were no more male or male flights.

And, they now had WRAF,

yeah, joining them.

So that kind of set my tone,

Yeah. In Germany.


pushed me down kind of to the bottom

of the pile really.

and a lot of those were quite young

because there had been a huge recruitment

A lot of us, you know, I would have been

probably 19 when I went out there.

So there was a lot of this

I think it had to be 18 and a half

so, you know, going to speak out,

you are and you're

You're, you know,

You don't really know who you are.

You're just going to kind of follow the

for yourself in the situation.

But, you know, there were

who were supportive, but that wasn't,

And, kind of aspire for something.

And it's, you know, it's

It's not the kind of the career

You're not accepted, you know, even though

we kind of go through the training

the reality of the

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