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Bullies Not Tolerated


My uncle admired the British.

In fact, I think his sentiments and the sentiments of others

are best captured by one of his closest friends,

Johnny Banks, who was a navigator

in mosquito fighter bombers, who said that when they heard

Churchill on the radio, making the speech

about fighting on the beaches, they were so deeply moved

that they just felt something had to be done.

And he said I imagined these people

on this little island defending themselves

against this aggressor, this aggression.

And he said I never liked a bully,

and I felt I had to go and fight.

And I think that captures the spirit of many of the men,

particularly who flew, who left their warm

and relatively comfortable lives, certainly there was

an arduous aspect to life in those days,

but certainly comfortable when compared to life in the blitz

or life over Germany in an aircraft, to come and fight.

They really were moved by the spirit

of British resistance, and the fact that a bully

was overrunning Europe and it just wasn't to be tolerated.

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