Stories from Germany
Stories from across the globe
Four Lancasters went down that night, and only our crew survived
Steven Bacon -
My father was very uneasy about being made a hero
Minnie Driver -
We unloaded twelve tons in just over three minutes
Brian Conway -
Stalin realised he wasn't going to succeed
Brian Conway -
The will to succeed
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr. -
The Russians had cut off everything
Aldon Ferguson -
The MIGs were looking for a reason to shoot us down
Peter Pilkington -
We were doing something with a purpose
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr. -
I was shot at by a guy with a hunting rifle
Ed Smith -
The German's acted as if they'd won the war
Ralph Levy -
Go out on a raid and see for yourself!
Maurice Bennet -
I don't want to worry you, but we only have ten minutes fuel remaining
Maurice Bennett -
Only four of the crew came back
Keith Palmer -
If they could cross the Rhine their war was won ...
RAF Film Production Unit, 1945 -
I was grounded, that saved my life
Part 3 Flying operations over Germany
Covered in coal!
Terrible Retribution
Fighting for humanity
There was a certain amount of tampering with the rules
Ian Thomas -
My mother always hoped that I'd be able to thank you one day
Vera Mitchrich -
I was just a kid off the farm, but I'd heard all about the RAF
Gail Halvorsen -
Nearly seventy people lost their lives
Brian Conway -
We slept under the wings
Brian Conway -
It had been set up to breed a super race
Brian Conway -
The Germans would steal coal
Brian Conway -
You realise that you've saved peoples' lives
Brian Conway -
It wasn’t that they were bombing people they were bombing places.
Charlotte Barratt -
The first confrontation of The Cold War
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr. -
Stalwart leaders and stout-hearted soldiers
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr. -
The West Berliners were going to be starved out
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr -
Nobody has that many planes anymore
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr. -
Someday we'll have enough food. But if we lose our freedom we'll never get it back
Gail Halvorsen -
The Soviets desperately wanted us out of Berlin
Aldon Ferguson -
Your parachutes are frightening the chickens!
Mercedes Simon -
It was an air controller's nightmare
Dr. Harold E. Raugh, Jr.