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I'd just bombed them. Didn't think they'd be too pleased to see me.
Robert Iveson -
A bomb bay fire meant the plane was about to explode
Caroline Paige -
We all thought the next war would be global Armageddon
Al Byford -
Could you drop a nuclear bomb?
John Peters -
Everything about flying training is a challenge
John Peters -
Why fight a war without the latest kit?
John Peters -
I don't believe in women pilots, but you're ok.
Anonymous -
I was shot at by a guy with a hunting rifle
Ed Smith -
We'd see how fast we could make the Hawk fly
Ed Smith -
After 36 years it has been so much more than I envisaged
Donald Campbell -
I'd have been quite happy to go in at less than 100 ft
Martin Withers -
It was the most beautiful sight in the world
Martin Withers