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Stories from across the globe
National Service was an opportunity
David Lang -
For the rest of his life he never liked to see bare lightbulbs
Anne Leadercramer -
They fought for a cause they believed passionately in, and they died for it
He almost became a member of their crew
He kept that piece of shrapnel
Paul Aldwinkle -
This place has played an ageless part in aviation history
Guy Thomas -
There were things that happened that preyed on the mind
Lloyd Levy -
Llynclys bomber crash
German were taking potshots at their Lancaster
Paul Aldwinkle -
I was a bit worried about my eyes
Benny Goodman -
The Tirpitz represented a threat to the whole Atlantic Ocean
Benny Goodman -
I was captain of the aircraft with no operational experience at all
Benny Goodman