Stories from across the globe
The RAF benevolent fund helped me get my life back on track
Stuart Robinson -
For the first time in my life I was turning heads.
Jackie Moggridge -
You still get bullies
Caroline Paige -
Unless I tell him something I'm going to die.
Robbie Stewart -
I used to go around punching people. I was quite naughty.
Josh Willcox -
The 1000 bomber raid.
Stan Holmes -
I became slightly obsessed with penguins.
Louise Henton -
I had a gun. I could kill someone.
Aswin Rana -
There are things that civilians just don't understand.
Joan Ochuodho -
Don't steer, just think
Jackie Moggridge -
They beat us with their pistol butts
John Peters -
At this point I was thinking "I'm about to crash a Spitfire"
Air Cdre Paul Godfrey